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One can perceive rhythms in the patterns of the sun, moon, and seasons. It makes sense to learn those rhythms and to live in harmony with them. This can balance out our lives and help us identify our personal sense of harmony. Harmony and balance encourage to neither be too good nor too bad, but to find the balance in our lives.





We've assembled the following love spells in order to help you return your lost love or find your true soulmate. Whether you prefer our most popular Love Spell or our Retrieve A Lover Spell, we are certain these love spells may help you find (and keep!) the love you've been looking for!

Free Wiccan Spells – Online Book of Shadows


Welcome to your online resource of spells. We have everything here, from healing spells to love spells to money spells, for the beginner, intermediate and the advanced practitioner.


So why not come in, take a look around?




Love Spells

Harmony / Reincarnation / Power Through Knowledge

Law of Attraction and Imagine That / Deity Exists in the Center of Your Star

Popular Info: Witch/Wiccan

Q: Are you a good Witch or a bad Witch?
A: When you ask if someone is a "good" Witch or a "bad" Witch, it is the same as asking someone if they are a "good" Presbyterian or a "bad" Presbyterian. Wiccans adhere to the Rede, "An it harm none, do as ye will." Witches, Druids and other pagan belief systems and religions have their own ethical standards.

Wicca; The Celtic Connection

A magical home for all Wiccans, Witches and Pagans!  Here you'll find links to several hundred pages of information about Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism, along with online stores for Pagan, Wiccan, and Witchcraft Books, Jewelry and Magical Tools like Altar Supplies, Athames, Goddess Statues, Tarot Decks, Herbs, Essential and Fragrance Oils, Magical Oil Blends, Incense, Oil Burnners, Cauldrons, and much more, all at affordable prices. 

Wicca and Witchcraft

Most followers of Wiccan believe in a single ultimate reality that pervades the universe and is expressed in theGoddess and God. Most Wicca traditions worship the two deities as equals where none deserves more importance than the other.  An attempt is usually made to reflect this balance in the coven, although men tend to be a minority in the Wiccan religion. One notable exception is Dianic Wicca, which worships the Goddess exclusively and only women are admitted to the covens.

Church and School of Wicca

 We are always happy to meet someone else who is interested in exploring Witchcraft, the Old Religion, and its way of life. Witchcraft (Wicca Craft), is also called Wicca, or alternatively, The Craft. This previously underground religion has much to teach every human about survival and about the ethical use of natural innate powers.

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