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Grace and Revelation




Pray that God would help you put your hope in the right place.



Read 1 Peter 1:3-25.  Reflect on 1 Peter 1:13-16.



If you had to move quickly in the ancient world, you would tuck your robes into your belt-known as “girding up your loins”.  Peter uses this phrase in 1:13. But here, he refers to our minds.  If you want to run fast and hard toward God-and away from evil-you “gird up the loins of your mind.”  How do we do this?  How can we more fully rest our hope in Christ, his grace, and his revelation (meaning his return to Earth)?


What desires do you still conform to that God asks you to change?  Seek out a pastor or trustworthy Christian friend so you can talk about these things.


By confessing our sins to one another, we can make them transparent-and thus allow the Holy Spirit to overtake that part of our lives.  It is difficult to continue sinning when we know that someone else is holding us accountable-and when we are no longer living with the shame of our sin.

First Peter 1:16 is a quotation from Leviticus 19:2.  How are we to live before Jesus?  What is his desire for our lives?


Reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week.















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