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What Taoists Believe

A 2,500-plus-year-old spiritual practice, Taoism (not unlike Zen) is like a "finger pointing at the moon." That is, Taoism states that words are just a sign to point to the nonconceptual ultimate reality. It is of value to not obsess over the conceptual pointer but to see the ultimate reality clearly. 


How do you bring people into harmony with the Tao?You can only point at the invisible.It is like using sign language in the dark.The mystery is that it works.The silence of Tao is filled with power.  Not even the roar of cannon can silence the silence of Tao. / TrueTao

This section is a guide to the ancient religious philosophy of Taoism, including history, and spiritual practices, ethics and martial arts.  Taoism is an ancient tradition of philosophy and religious belief that is deeply rooted in Chinese customs and worldview.  Taoist ideas have become popular throughout the world through Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, and various martial arts.

BBC - Religion: Taoism

Taoist Texts

The Tao te Ching is one of the most widely read sacred texts, due to its simplicity and depth. It appeal is universal, and has been found relevant by Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and even Quantum Physicists. Attributed to Lao-tzu, (580-500 B.C.), it may predate him by several centuries. The earliest known manuscripts of the Tao te Ching date to the third century B.C.

Center of Traditional Taoist Studies

The Center of Traditional Taoist Studies is a non-profit theological and educational organization dedicated to promoting Taoism throughout the United States and the world.  The Center's curriculum includes traditional Taoist philosophy, religious instruction, holistic fitness programs, and mediation.  Founded by Grand Master Alex Anatole in 1978, the Center is open six days each week with programs including Chi Quong, meditation, philosophy, and religious observances.

Taoism, Basic Fundamentals 

Eastern Philosophy is becoming more and more a part of the mainstream in the United States.   Like most Americans I  have  come across various significant aspects of the Chinese philosophy; Taoism. Among these are Yin and Yang, T'ai-Chi and Feng-Shui.  Feng-Shui is a balancing of energy by arranging your living space a certain way, it is found in the pop-culture of young teen stores to books on how you can Feng-Shui your home to change your life.  

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